Monday, June 21, 2010

Leaked: Motorola Droid 2

The team at Droid Life has released the pictures and technical specs of the upcoming Motorola Droid 2. To the eye, the Droid 2 looks very similar to its original, which may be a huge let down for some consumers.

-Android 2.1 (unless Verizon pumps out a last minute 2.2 update to it)
-3.7″ screen
-750MHz OMAP processor
-Wi-Fi tethering
-8GB internal
-8GB SD card preinstalled
-Updated keyboard
-5MP camera
-New version of Motoblur
-No HDMI port
-No front facing camera


Sunday, June 20, 2010

Dell Streak Hands-On


Check out this awesome site!!!

Swagbucks is a site where you can redeem points you earn for prizes such as ipods, video games, cell phones, shirts, posters, and more!!! Points are earned by using their search engine(powered by google), inviting more friends, and more. This site is 100% legit for I have redeemed 3 Amazon gift cards and they have all worked on my purchases. You can only join by a current member inviting you by email or a refer link such as mine here By clicking my refer link you can join the site and whenever I earn points, you do too and vice versa. So this means the more people you invite, the more easier it is for you to earn points. Please use my link!


Just a Heads up!

Tomorrow will be the release date of iOS 4 for iPhone/iPod touch(iPad users have to wait until fall). This will be a free software update for iPhone and iPod touch users unlike previous updates where iPod touch users had to pay $9.99. iOS 4 brings multitasking(only for iPhone 4/3GS/iPod touch 3rd gen), wallpapers, app folders, and more to iPhone/iPod touch. For more info about iOS 4 check out apple's website.


Medal of Honor Multiplayer Closed Beta Review

So Gamestop finally got the beta keys for MOH and since i pre-ordered the game, I got it. Now the beta is only available on June 21st but since I had an EA account with Battlefield Badcompany 2 VIP, I was able to play yesterday on PS3.

First off, this is just a beta, so don't expect it to run great. Out of all the times I played the game froze my PS3 a total of 6 times and that's within an hour. It seemed that this only happens when you get a huge score streak(similar to killstreaks in Call of Duty).
The controls are almost exactly like Call of Duty except the your secondary weapon(grenade launcher, rocket launcher, C4, etc) would be on L2 for PS3 and RB for Xbox. I really got confused with the controls at first because the game looks like Battlefield(since it's the same engine), so I ended up pressing the wrong buttons for example: I used melee when I thought it was crouch. The graphics aren't the best like you've probably seen on gameplay trailers either. Gameplay wise I still had fun with it. There are no perks taking away from realism like Call of Duty and overpowered launchers neither.
For he beta, you start off with 3 classes with their own distinct weapons for each. Just like in Battlefield, you be a class and unlock weapons/attachements for the class on their own when leveling up. The game run faster than Battlefield which I liked. The download file was only 616MB which I found surprising.
EA would probably release a patch before the initial launch date on the 21st of the month where more people are expected to play(those who pre-ordered and don't have the VIP). This game looks very promising right now. I think it'll be a tough competitor to Call of Duty Black Ops which releases November 9th, 2010 while this releases a month before at October 12, 2010.


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Have broken UMDs???

If you don't have a warranty or don't want to pay more money to get your PSP games repaired here's a solution

These UMD game cases are just easy to snap-on to your broken games and play perfectly on your PSP! They're made durably and don't break as easily as the original cases made by Sony.

Sold here

My rant about Gamestop

We all know, as gamers, Gamestop. The store where you can buy,trade, and sell games. I'm just here to rant about what I personally find unfair and I know many other people to find wrong about their business policy.

Selling "NEW" games opened

 I've experienced this and I can find many people that have also. I was at a Gamestop a couple years ago and decided to buy The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass on the DS "NEW" as the little sticker says on the display box. So I take the display box and take it up to the counter. What they do is they take the game out of a file cabinet, put it in that same exact display box, and charge full retail price on me. There is so many things wrong with that in so many ways. First of all, the sticker is not on the box's outside, but in the inside right on the cover art. That right there is almost impossible to take off. Second, how am I supposed to know if that really is a "NEW" game when it's been OPENED. I've read a couple articles on people who used to work there and they claim that the Gamestop employees can take new games home to play anytime, then take it back to the store to sell new. Sometimes they say it's new because no one played it. How can I, a customer, know that? I was a young kid and didn't care for the time. They still do this by the way I guarantee it. My sister bought a PS3 game "NEW" and they did the same trick. She obviously didn't want to deal with arguing, but I know some people would argue that once a game is opened, it's not new.

Selling "USED" games for BS prices.

So you go to Gamestop and want to trade in games. They give you $35 on the PS3/360 game, but sell it for $50-$55. That makes sense in so they make a profit. Guess what? The new game is just $5 more than the used game. Now that right there makes no sense. What if the game is rare for a example, Final Fantasy 7, which goes for crazy prices online? Well, they most likely would give you the price of any PS1 game for it and sell it for 20X more than what you just got for it because they know it goes for that much. You're more better off selling your games online at ebay or amazon than trading it in at Gamestop for far less than what it's worth.

Now game developers make ZERO dollars off used games and that's why EA and other big companies are trying to stop people from buying games used by including vouchers or any exclusive content on their games found only when bought new. Here's a link explaining this link

Here are some videos and articles about this nonsense...
Selling new games issue Link Link2 Link3 Link4
Used game prices Gamestop's site themselves another and another
And to top it all off, a 7 part video of a former gamestop employee who just can't stand it anymore Part 1 the rest is in the link.
Sticker issue on cover art Link

So Gamestop's slogan "Power to the Players" doesn't hold up to the name in my opinion